What is scale?
I argue that scale is not something that you “do” but something that has a functional value and I will suggest that scales are defined by self-organisation principles.
I argue that scale is not something that you “do” but something that has a functional value and I will suggest that scales are defined by self-organisation principles.
In the last seminars I attended, I heard more and more talks about the ethics of algorithms. At Jerome Ravetz’s 90th birthday celebration, Urmie Ray made the case for introducing ethics in the curriculum of mathematicians – a field traditionally alien to humanistic concerns such as ethics. Ray used the Read more…
Blog post III of IV: Complexity as means to invoke humility and reflexivity in science advice to policy
How do representations of slums affect the governance of informality? In this post, I share with you some of the results from my latest publication “Governing informality through representation: Examples from slum policies in Brazil and South Africa” soon available in Cities!
Building on the uncertainty literature, we* conceptualize ambiguity as the type of uncertainty that emerges from complexity.
Measurements are used in policy-making to set targets, and to monitor progress towards targets. Think of CO2 emission targets, energy efficiency targets, waste recycling monitoring. When dealing with complex issues, the choice of metrics is not trivial! The issue of non-equivalence reveals that measurements may be precise, but they do not lead to univocal knowledge. As a consequence, policy objects are constituted also through the choice of metrics.